Ecuador has many known places to practice Birdwatching or Birding as Mindo or Parque Nacional Galápagos by the biodiversity existing in these places.
By the way Ecuador has other many places not explored at all like Guayas Province where the ecosystems as Marine Coastal, Mangroves, Freshwater Wetlands, Dry Forest or Moist and Wet Forest, give you a great variety of species.
The Birds of The Province of Guayas are 554 in 18 hot spots. The recommended areas are:
- Provincial Nature Recreation Area-Ecological and Cultural Park Pedro Carbo
- Provincial and Productivity and Conservation Area La Esperanza
- The Protected Forest of La Prosperina
- Protected Forest of Cerro Blanco
- The Mangrove of Puerto Hondo Park
- Parque Lago Recreational Area
- Provincial Nature Recreation Area El Guayacán
- Nature Recreation Area Comuna Engabao
- Playas de Villamil Playas Recreation Area
- Wildlife Refuge Manglares El Morro
- Balao Intertidal Plane
- Provincial Productivity and Conservation Area San Miguel.
- Provincial Nature Recreation Area Cerro de Hayas
- Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve
- National Recreation Area Isla Santay - Isla del Gallo
- Provincial Recreational Nature Area Las Pavas
- Rancho Alemán
- La Esperanza Alta Bucay Cloud Forest